Thursday, June 14, 2012


Worry weighs a person down, an encouraging word cheers a person up. Proverbs 12:25

Never has a truer word been spoken. Well, maybe there has, but today, this one really sticks out at me because I know what it feels like to be so heavily weighed down by worry. There are several situations in my life ride now that give me many reasons to worry.

 Worry cripples you, it zaps your energy and leaves you almost unable to move. The dictionary definition of worry is "to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts". Wow. Is that what we do when we worry? Think about it really. You may be faced with a challenging situation. It can cause major upheaval in your life, but there's nothing you can do about it now is there? Yet, you spend the entire day thinking about it. You get stressed out, you begin to lose your appetite or in some cases you begin to overeat. Your hair falls out, you lose sleep and you begin to develop those annoying circles under the eyes, so you worry some more. Worry is a cycle and it is very dangerous. Worry causes us to obsess about things that we really should just hand over to God, because in the first place, you can't fix it yourself. If you can't fix it yourself, why are you even trying and why are you tormenting yourself with worry about how it's going to turn out.

1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) says "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares for you." The bible also tells us that our God cares for every living thing, including the sparrow that has fallen to the ground. The birds are provided with food and simply have to wake up and go eat. Can you imagine how much more he cares about us?

Things may not seem to be working the way that you want them to, or things may seem to really be spiralling out of control. You may have lost the sole breadwinner in your home, or you may have lost your job. There are bills to be paid, kids to feed and so much more, but God knows that, trust him to come through for you and worry a little less. Every time you feel tempted to obsess over your situation, say a little prayer, tell God how you feel, remind him of his promises. It's not like he's forgotten, but reminding him reminds you to trust him. And don't think that there's any situation that is too small for him to be concerned with, the verse says "cast ALL your worries and cares" to Him. That includes the little ones.

God's got your back, trust him.

Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all He has done. 

Joana James - Author of 
From Redemption to Maturity,   Nightmare at Emerald High & Alana and Alyssa's Secret  

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