Sunday, January 20, 2013

We serve a God that hears us!

It's not always easy to remember that God hears our prayers, especially when things aren't going EXACTLY as we want them to. I know for sure I wonder if God is still paying any attention to me. Sometimes I dare to ask out loud... "Are you still there? Are you even listening to me?" It can be frustrating and exasperating to be asking for something and seemingly not getting any answer right?

Well, guess what... God always answers. Not always how we want him to, but ALWAYS how we NEED him to. See at the end of the day, God always does what is best for us and nothing else. If he were to give in to our every whim and fancy, I guarantee that the world would be a much more scary place to live.

So what's the real deal then? What's really happening when we ask for something? Well 1 John 5:14-15 tells us this:
And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.

For me, the most important part of the above verse is whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. It explains the whole thing to me. God is sovereign and all knowing. He knows how every action on earth will affect every other action, and with that knowledge He acts in His sovereignty and does what is best for all. When we as Christians ask for something that works with his greater plan, He grants it. Of that we can be confident. 

So, if you've been asking for a very long time, Lord I want this, or Lord I need that...remember, are you asking for something that pleases him? What is your motive for asking? Do you want what you've been asking for out of jealously or maybe just greed? Will your life really improve with what you are asking for? 

Be confident that God hears you whenever you ask for something that pleases him.

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