Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1000 words a day

Sometimes it can be really difficult to balance a busy life with a passion or a hobby. Few of us are lucky enough to turn our hobbies into careers so for those of us who haven't a day job is the best way to keep clothes on our backs and a roof over our head. We get older, our priorities change and before you know it, we've forgotten our passion. So how do we get to do what we like to do and still have time for other things?

Obviously my passion is writing and for many years I had absolutely no time for it. Until I discovered that it took me only about an hour to come up with 1000 meaningful words. So I set a goal, a reasonable one, write 1000 words each day. I stuck to it as best as I could, there were days when I barely got one word in, but I'd make up for it when I could. Before long, I had two stories good enough to be published. And publish I did! Here's the proof http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005JTP7OG!

Writing is still just a hobby, and certainly shouldn't quit my day job just yet, but I've found time in my busy schedule for my passion and I'm still writing 1000 words a day. 

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