Friday, December 23, 2011

The Ford Page 99 Test of Rise from the Ashes

Ford Madox Ford, novelist, poet and editor, said, "Open the book to page ninety-nine and read, and the quality of the whole will be revealed to you."

So what do you think about page 99 of Rise from the Ashes?

Here's a short excerpt of the page
"Alyssa felt guilty for her mother's death but she told no one. She'd attended her funeral but she barely remembered what transpired there. She realised then, that she was now alone in the world. There was no body else on the planet directly related to her and that notion scared her. For now, all she had to rely on, was the kindness of strangers; one who had turned into her best friend and the other, the love of her life."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

In the End I WIN!

This is a Short piece that just kinda came to me.

So sue me for wanting to be successful.
Or better yet, thrash me for desiring life not filled with misery.
Condemn me for needing to feel loved.
Maybe you’d even want to hang me, for deciding not to be a pawn in your evil game.
I know you hate me for setting standards that you can’t reach.
So maybe you should just try to hang me and get it over with.
But wait, my fate is NOT in your hands.
My destiny you CANNOT hinder.
The plans for my life are greater than you can ever imagine.
Whether you try to sue me, thrash me, condemn me, or hang me,
The plans of my God will still go unhindered.
Didn’t you hear, greater is he that is in me, than he that is in you!
Didn’t you hear, No weapon that you form against me can win!
Didn’t you hear, His plans for me are plans of peace!
Didn’t you hear, He’s already written my book,
I decided to sneak a peek at the last chapter,
And guess what, world, in the end I WIN! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1000 words a day

Sometimes it can be really difficult to balance a busy life with a passion or a hobby. Few of us are lucky enough to turn our hobbies into careers so for those of us who haven't a day job is the best way to keep clothes on our backs and a roof over our head. We get older, our priorities change and before you know it, we've forgotten our passion. So how do we get to do what we like to do and still have time for other things?

Obviously my passion is writing and for many years I had absolutely no time for it. Until I discovered that it took me only about an hour to come up with 1000 meaningful words. So I set a goal, a reasonable one, write 1000 words each day. I stuck to it as best as I could, there were days when I barely got one word in, but I'd make up for it when I could. Before long, I had two stories good enough to be published. And publish I did! Here's the proof!

Writing is still just a hobby, and certainly shouldn't quit my day job just yet, but I've found time in my busy schedule for my passion and I'm still writing 1000 words a day. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I received "Alana"

So I received, the print copy of the book "Alana" and I all but flipped. It was such a wonderful feeling holding my own creativity in my hands. Weather or not this books sells a million or even a hundred copies, I'm happy that I've accomplished on of the goals I have always set out to.

God has been good to me and I am eternally grateful for His grace.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna pick up the proof copies of the compilation of "Alana" and "Alyssa's Secret". It's called "Rise from the Ashes".  This is the actual book that will go to market. I plan to complete any necessary changes  tomorrow and make it available on Amazon immediately.

I pray that I will receive your support for this one. The kindle version is available on or just use this link.

P.S. I'm still stoked about receiving this second one and I may just flip this time!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband, 

I admire who God is creating you to be. I admire your sense of resolve and your unconditional love towards me. I admire your ability to make decisions. I admire your ability to help me take care of you. I admire the fact that you can fill out a form on your own without getting confused but you still seek my opinion. I admire your ability to keep the house together when I'm gone but can't wait till i return, not so i can pick up your mess, but because you can't stand to be away from me. I love that you are my biggest fan and you don't get jealous when I succeed. I love that you can succeed on your own, but refuse to move forward without my opinion. I love that you're not helpless but you still want my help. Your great qualities make me excited to be moulded for you. I'll sit at the potter's wheel and let him make me "perfect" for you. Don't grow weary waiting for me as I won't grow weary waiting for you. If we both put God first, the time will be short. Don't change those qualities I've mentioned for you're a rare sort. 

I love you!!!