Mercy - compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy,
or other person in one's power;
or other person in one's power;
Grace - a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior:
God's mercy is really amazing. We certainly don't deserve it. He shows it to us simply because he loves us. Early in my Christian life, I didn't understand how anybody could love me unconditionally. It didn't make sense that I'd gotten favor that I had not earned and all I had to do was accept it.
A lot of us still struggle with the concept. We know it and can explain it to others but, in reality, we have a hard time applying it to ourselves. Long after God has forgotten our mistakes, we remind ourselves of them daily. In a previous post, I spoke about the importance of walking in freedom and not beating up on ourselves for our past wrongs.
The process of Christian Maturity requires that we understand that God's love is unconditional, therefore his mercy and grace is also unconditional. God sent His Son simply because He loves us and couldn't allow us to remain dead in sin. It hurts God to see the ones He created with such love and care separated from him. So He sent us a solution, His Son.
We must be reminded though, that we shouldn't take God's mercy and grace for granted. Though we get it freely, we shouldn't mock God by returning to our sin and coming back expecting to be cleaned up again. God knows our hearts and those who return to Him genuinely will always receive mercy, but don't grieve Him by willingly going back to our sin. Besides, only those who repent genuinely, receive salvation.
So, with every waking moment, I am reminded that God is merciful to me and that he loves me and I did nothing to deserve it, so I can't help but shout out in praise. God's mercy is definitely something to praise about.
Today's Bonus:
The devotionals on this blog have all been written based on what God has been doing in my own life as I move from the point of Redemption to Christian Maturity. Half of the time, I write them simply as therapy for myself, but God allows me to share them because there are many people who are going through the same process that I am.
To reach a wider audience, I've compiled most of this year's devotionals into a little book called: FROM REDEMPTION TO MATURITY. For Kindle owners, it's FREE for today June 26 and tomorrow June 27. If you have a kindle, grab your own copy, read it, tell others about it. But most importantly, you'll have a copy of those devotionals that touched you most that you can refer to when you need it most. If you don't have a kindle, the book is also available in paperback.
To reach a wider audience, I've compiled most of this year's devotionals into a little book called: FROM REDEMPTION TO MATURITY. For Kindle owners, it's FREE for today June 26 and tomorrow June 27. If you have a kindle, grab your own copy, read it, tell others about it. But most importantly, you'll have a copy of those devotionals that touched you most that you can refer to when you need it most. If you don't have a kindle, the book is also available in paperback.
Click the Image above to get your copy
Joana James - Author of From Redemption to Maturity, Nightmare at Emerald High & Alana and Alyssa's Secret