Saturday, April 21, 2012

Don't Blame God!

One of my favourite things about the bible is how raw it really is. I mean, get a load of this verse.

Proverbs 19:3
People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord.

It is the truth, plain and simply put with no flowery language to mask it.

As human beings, we have the tendency to find somebody else to blame anytime something goes wrong, be it at the workplace or at home. We find it hard to accept responsibility for our own actions. Over the years you’ve often heard, “where is God, people are suffering all over the place.” Or “where is God, why did he let the bank take away my property?” or maybe even “where is God, why did he let my son die?”

The unfortunate truth is that our circumstances are a direct result of choices. It may not be our own choice, but the choice of another person could have a bearing on our lives. God gave us the bible and a set of rules. Do this and you will have that, don’t do this and you will get that… We’ll most  of us have decided that those rules are not for us. We make our own decisions based on whatever “feels” good at the time but we don’t like the consequences of our choices.

A couple of the instructions we hate to follow are those that say we should not fornicate or commit adultery. These rules are set up mainly to protect us, but we see them as a restriction of our freedom. So we say “forget the rules” and go ahead and behave promiscuously. Then, when we contract aids, (by our own doing or by our partner’s doing) we ask “where is God?”. Or when an unwanted pregnancy comes along, we decide to go for a bigger sin – Murder and we call it abortion, an expression of a woman’s freedom to choose. Seriously?

The fact of the matter is that we humans have behaved so badly that our world is a mess. There are plenty of hungry children all over the world, but our governments are spending billions on war and on space programs. Now whose fault is it that kids are starving again? God’s? Hmm….you tell me.

Next time you’re tempted to blame God for your circumstances, take a look at the situation and try to determine what you could have done differently. All is not lost if you made a mess, God is good at cleaning that kind of stuff up, but remember that He was not the one who put you there in the first place.

May God bless you as you trust him to clean up the messes. :-D 

Joana James - Author of From Redemption to Maturity,   Nightmare at Emerald High & Alana and Alyssa's Secret  

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