Friday, March 23, 2012

I've got a Crazy Praise

Yesterday, I conducted a little experiment on twitter. I had all my friends going, looking for scripture verses in the Bible that offered Praise to God, then posting them. I did a search on the word "praise" and my search turned out 380 results. Imagine 380 verses with the word praise in it; and we have not even considered the verses that offer praise without actually having the word praise in them.

So why is it that so many Bible verses are dedicated to praise? I have a theory and you'll let me know if you agree. I don't know about you, but something happens to me when I praise God. It doesn't matter how depressed, lonely, angry, miserable or whatever, no matter how I feel, when I begin to praise God genuinely (in Spirit and in Truth), something happens to me. You see, God inhabits the Praises of his people and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. So it stands to reason then, then when I Praise and God shows up, depression, anger, loneliness and everything else would have to leave right. There are so many scriptures dedicated to praise because your praise must outweigh everything else. It must outweigh your complaints, your requests and your prayers of supplication. Praise must come first. In many great battles, the praise team was sent first. See the earlier post Praise God in Advance for more info on this.

Sometimes it's necessary to just raise an absolutely Crazy Praise. It may make no sense to the person next to you, or maybe even to your own self. But it in the midst of adversity, shout out a praise. Let it come from deep within you, especially when you don't feel like it, cause really and truly, that's when you need it most. The devil can't stand it when we praise God. He has no choice but to step aside as the Spirit of God comes in to inhabit our praise.

So go on, let it out. Let out your praise. Loudly, softly, however, it doesn't matter really. As long as you mean it. Let out your Crazy Praise!

If you feel so inclined, join me on twitter today with your #crazypraise. Use the hashtags #crazypraise and #praisetest and let's blaze up cyberspace with our Praise!

Joana James - Author of Nightmare at Emerald High & Alana and Alyssa's Secret 

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