Monday, May 28, 2012

The Real Kingdom of God

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17

For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power. 1 Corinthians 4:20

One of the main reasons people ignore Christ and the gospel message is that we Christians are too busy bickering about what right and what's not. We've clouded the world view of the real subject - Christ. Our arguments of what to eat, drink, when to worship, where to worship and all of that pales in comparison to what God actually requires of us.

What God considers most important is not our lofty speeches or our doctrine or theology, it is relationship with him and righteousness - right living. We attain relationship only by seeking God. Relationship with God really is just a friendship. It's a friendship with someone you can't see physically but you know is there because He makes himself real to us daily. You build that friendship the same way you build an earthly one, talking to God daily. Not will high level speeches but simply by telling him what's in your heart. Also, like any other friendship, you can't just talk all the time, you need to listen for what the other party has to say. As your friendship grows and develops, you learn your friend and you desire to do the things that make Him happy. From that friendship comes a desire to live right and we get help to do that from the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the day, man would look at our outward position. Not necessarily what we wear or how we look, but what we have a "accomplished", the positions we held and the accolades that come with it. But, God looks at our heart. What do we desire? Are we coming to Him genuinely or are we simply seeking reprieve from a difficult situation only to return to our old ways when things are sorted out? Are we seeking to be noticed or recognised? Or are we seeking a true relationship with the One?

There is a lot of talk about the Kingdom of God these days. People choose certain aspects of it and develop a myopic view of the real thing. But, the kingdom of God really is about just one thing, Living a life of goodness and peace and joy by God's power. Right living. Relationship with God. Our heart position. Not talk, not doctrine, not our own ideologies.

My encouragement today is for you to "Seek first the kingdom of God AND it's righteousness", the rest will come. Prosperity will come, family success will come, recognition will come. But God must be first.

Joana James - Author of From Redemption to Maturity,   Nightmare at Emerald High & Alana and Alyssa's Secret  

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