In Luke 15, Jesus tells his disciples a wonderful story, one that has helped me understand God's love. A rebellious son left his father's house against his counsel, took his share of the inheritance and squandered it, yet when he returned, the father still showed love and mercy towards him. He never said, "you squandered all your money- you came back, but you're going to have to work in the fields like all the other workers until you can earn my trust again." The father, drew his son back into his arms and returned him to his seat of honour - as his son. Wow. That is exactly what God does every time we fall.
You may not have gone as far as leaving the fold, or maybe you have. To God, it doesn't matter, you are his child and he wants you back. God's love is everlasting and far reaching. He loves even those of us who can't seem to walk the straight and narrow without making a mistake (which is everyone). God knows and sees our hearts and a truly repentant heart is His favourite thing.
The Bible reminds us over and over of God's love for EVERYONE, even sinners (Ephesians 2:4-5, Romans 5:8). It even tells us that if one of us out of a hundred goes astray that God's heart is grieved and He will still seek that one person out (Matthew 18:12-14).
I'm reminded also, that we can't do anything to earn God's love or His salvation. It's a free gift, one that we don't deserve but He gives us anyways. Some of us behave as if we have more right to salvation than the next person, but it isn't so. Doesn't matter what sin the next person has committed, it could even be murder, God's compassion and love for them is the same. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
God's love is amazing and unchanging. It reaches out to all of us sinners no matter what we have done. He doesn't pick who to love based on our own "goodness", He loves us simply because we are His creation, His children, His long lost sheep.
So today, if any prodigal sons or daughters are reading this, please don't be afraid to come back to God, he will receive you with open arms. Trust Him, lean on Him, depend on Him. He loves you and He wants you back.
Be Blessed!
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Joana James - Author of From Redemption to Maturity, Trusting God with your Future, Nightmare at Emerald High & Alana and Alyssa's Secret & Finding Romeo
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