Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Being Pushed Into Bad Decisions

Sometimes we let people who treat us badly push us into bad decisions.  Think about it - how many bad decisions have you made because somebody else hurt you or treated you like less than you are worth? How many times have you gone into rebound relationships with people you would never even entertain if you were not hurting? What about leaving a great job for a crappy one because your boss was being a pain? Or maybe you even decided to switch churches because a certain church member just keeps getting under your skin. 

People who treat us badly can push us to do things that we don't want to do,  but that doesn't have to be the case.  There's a saying that goes,  "he who angers you controls you" and it is very true.  If someone can anger you to the point where you do dumb things, then they are controlling you. 

The Bible reminds us that we can be angry without sinning (Ephesians 4:26).  Today, I want us to remember that we can be hurt and not do dumb things.  Usually with anger we don't stop to think about our reactions,  but with hurt,  we usually have plenty of time to hash things out in our heads.  In situations of hurt,  we can be tempted to sit and stew on what has happened to us but that is actually detrimental to growth.  You won't see the good in your situation if you spent time dwelling on the bad.  Sometimes vengeance is our motivation for doing dumb things,  and other times we are simply searching for relief. We may want to just get away from that mean boss or that awful person in church but doing that may actually shift us from a position that God wants us in so that he can propel us forward.  What if God has a promotion lined for you? What if your future husband is planning to visit your church the same day you decided that you're never going back?

You're going to miss your blessing by moving hastily or under pressure instead of under direction for God. 
Of course the worse case of this I've seen is people jumping into bad relationships because they feel the need to move on from past hurt. It is easy to end up there simply because of all the emotions involved.  If you've been rejected by one person and another person comes along ready to accept you,  then it feels like the best thing in the world.  Unfortunately,  because you're so vulnerable you may be hooking up with a monster and not realise it until it's too late. 

My encouragement to us all today is to remain focused on God's voice; especially in the times where you feel frustrated or hurt.  Those are the times the enemy jumps on to bring dumb distractions in our way.  If we're focused on God then we'll see the warning signs and be able to dodge certain destruction.  If we're focused on our hurt and looking only for relief then we may make some terrible decisions that have far reaching repercussions. 

Do have a blessed day and remember to stay focused on God. 

Devotions like this one and others can be found in the Soul Food Series in Kindle or paperback format. 
To grab a copy, click one of the images below. 

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